Monday, December 15, 2008


It was our turn to plan Scott's family Christmas party this year. I had so much fun getting everything ready. We had great food. (We always do, that is one of the best parts about this party.) I made pulled pork and Shauna brought her famous cheesy potatoes. Sharon made home made mac and cheese. Mom made pasta shrimp salad. Shane and Julie brought chips and drinks, Kaye also brought drinks. The food is always amazing! Scott and Tyler decided that they wanted to make a version of Family Feud to play. We came up with silly family themes like Songs that dad made you listen to over and over and over again, Family Traditions, Family pets, Nick Names, and of coarse Favorite family foods. We divided up the family to play the game. The kids and the adults both had fun coming up with the answers. Then we played our traditional game of funny white elephant exchange. We always have fun playing that game. Everyone always wants to get "Woody". "Woody" is and owl that Scott and I got as a joke for a wedding gift. It keeps getting passed around that family. It was funny because our niece Alicia's fiance Skyler got "Woody". But then "Woody" went missing. I'm sure that he will show up sometime again. Hopefully at their wedding. Then we gathered gifts that we brought for a service project, for a family that Dad found in need this year. I always look forward to this Christmas party every year.

1 comment:

Julie Laycock said...

It was such a fun party, even with the drama of "Woody"!! Thanks for planning it!