Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Break!

I love the spirit that Christmas brings into our lives. I love to remember the Savior and all of the wonderful things that he has taught us. This year our family decided to try a new tradition. We decided that every night during December we would take turns sharing a story of Christ's life. As our family shared their favorite stories of Jesus it truly helped us remember the reason why we celebrate Christmas.
We also got to go and see the lights at the Temple. Shane and Julie went with us and Sharon and Scott were there already, so we met up with them. It was nice to be at the temple with our family.
Christmas Eve we always spend at my mom and dad's house. We have dinner and then do the nativity with all of the kids dressed up. Then the kids get to exchange their gifts and open one present.
Christmas day was fun! After we opened presents we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for breakfast. (Thank You it was great!) Then went to the other Grandparent's house and spent time with my family. It was fun because Jay and Brooke came in from out of town and their kids are adorable! Then we went and visited Great Grandma. It was nice to spend time with her. Then we went back over the Scott's parents house to celebrate Christmas night. We always have a Christmas Dinner and the exchange gifts. Then we headed home for bed.
I think that the funnest thing we did over our Christmas Break was going sledding with our friends Chuck and Aleah and their kids. We went to a park close by with a hill. We had a blast sledding! Don't worry the kids had fun too!
I hope that everyone had a great Christmas also, and that we can remember all of the things that we have been blessed with.

1 comment:

AMS said...

chuck got some GREAT!!! shots! remind me to email some of them to you... i'll put a slide show on my blog, just let me know what ones you want :)