Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ok - I know that I have not been on for a long time. I feel like life has been so busy and doesn't slow down and the occasional days that it does all I feel like doing is sleeping.
My niece got married. I can't believe it! I still remember the day that she was born. Scott and I were dating then, and we were at our friends house jumping on the trampoline when we got the phone call that she had been born. We went straight to the hospital to see her. I'm so glad that she found a great guy to marry.
Tyler had a Karate Tournament and took 2nd place in Kata's and 2nd place in Chambara. Good job Tyler.
Of coarse there was Easter. I always have fun with my pre-school when we have our egg hunt. It's a blast. Tyler loved Easter this year. He woke up so Early and ran into the front room to get started. We had to tell him to wait so we could camcord everything.
Spring Break was crazy. We went to Moab and stayed at mom and dad's "trabin". Scott and I went to the Monticello temple when we were there. It was nice to take a day and do that. (Thank You Erin for coming with us to watch Tyler) We started to feel like we needed to get out of the "trabin" because the weather was so bad that you couldn't go and do anything. So we took Ty and Erin bowling. It was a lot of fun. On Friday some more family came in. And Saturday the weather was finally good. I was so excited because I had been wanting to go on the trail for a hike. We loaded up some kids and took off to go hiking. When we went to park the Tahoe it broke. The power steering went out. We had to leave the Tahoe in Moab and Dad come to Moab and we took his car home. Dad took our Tahoe home when it was fixed. It wasn't much of a break! (Thank You Dad for helping us!)
Tyler got his Wolf in cub scouts. He has a lot of fun and has fun scout leaders.
So I know that this is a lot of stuff. But that's how my life has been. BUSY!

1 comment:

Field Family said...

You sound busy. Sorry to hear about your Tahoe. It always happen when you are no where near home too. Our power steering went out at the top of the Alpine Loop. We were stranded for about 4 hours until a nice passer by stopped to give our family a ride home. Glad you are home safe and fixed.